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Are You Still Playing Your Flute?

Are you still playing your flute?
When there is hardly time for our love
I am feeling guilty
To be longing for your song
The melody concealed in the slim hollow of the bamboo
Uncovered by the breath of an artist
Composed by his fingers
Blown by the wind
To the depth of my heart.


Are you still playing your flute?
In the village so quiet and deserted
Amidst the sick rice fields
While here it has become a luxury
To spend time watching the rain
Gazing at the evening rays
Collecting dew drops
Or enjoying the fragrance of flowers.

Are you still playing your flute?
The more it disturbs my conscience
to be thinking of you
in the hazard of you
my younger brothers unemployed and desperate
my people disunited by politics
my friend slaughtered mercilessly
this world is too old and bleeding.

Stanza 1
This poem talks about the responsibility of the leaders in the world which the leadership is symbolized as the flute. “Are you still playing your flute?” meaning iis the leader still doing his job in leading the country.  “The melody” is the government system and “in the slim hollow of the bamboo” is the government system as written in the book of constitution.  “Artist” is referred to as the leader and “his fingers” symbolizes the style used by the leader in administrating the system. “To be longing for your song” here means the people is longing for a wise leader that can bring them the peace and harmony in the country once again.


Stanza 2
People nowadays are focusing more on the city life until there are less people to take care of the paddy fields in the village. The second stanza also tells us that it would have been so hard for people in the city to have leisure times enjoying the nature as it has been so much chaos with less people caring for each other.


Stanza 3
Day by day, there are more people to suffer for the consequences of the irresponsible leaders. Politics disunite the people and kill more other innocent people in other country. This world is old until a leader comes and unites us all.

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